
Sunday, September 11, 2011

More Vienna

Saturday, we went to the flea market. Bennet and I ended up getting some dried fruit (yum), some dark brown bread (double yum), some cheese (total disaster) and I ate a tomato as I would eat an apple. I even have a picture to prove it. At this rate, I'll be a vegetable-loving-machine!

We also got to work on our group projects (they want us to build our own travel guide). We have district 5 to explore... I always think of the Hunger Games when I talk about the districts. Anyways.Our district seems a wee bit boring, but at least it's pretty to look at.

We also went to the Shoenbrunn, this beautiful palace...

the back of the palace


Sunday we went to mass in this huge cathedral. It was absolutely gorgeous, with all of this gold leaf and baroque style architecture and paintings and such. And the service had the whole shabang... incense included. I loved it all, smelly stuffs included.
and then Lindsey and I went back to this Italian place called Vapiano's (we went as a group Saturday night) and split a meal. It was AMAZING. It was this pasta dish with tomatoes and spinach and deliciousness. Mmmmmmm! and then the group drove to the top of a mountain and hiked back down, stopping in a vineyard for a devo. We also got to stop and get fresh fruit and honey from the sweetest little women ever. Pictures will do this better justice than words: 

Herr Swann

I have adjusted pretty well to life in Vienna; the European rhythm just so happens to be the same rhythm I follow. Most of the responsibilities we've been given, I've had with my family for years. It's lovely being in a place where I don't have to conform to follow the ebb and flow of everything.

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