
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Zurich, in 15,000 words

Zurich was beautiful, though not our first choice. We had originally wanted to go to Berlin, and did not find out until the day our itenerary was due- the day before our train left for Berlin- that there were bombs found on the railways going into the city. So we rapidly revamped our plans and picked Zurich... little did we know how great that decision was. Bennet, Hunter, and Mikayla and I had a fantastic time just walking around the city. It was a little chilly, but that's northern Europe for you- cold climate, slightly cold people, too. 

We went to a fantastic art museum on our first day. It was here that I saw my first Van Gogh. I was just wandering through the exhibits and I rounded a corner and bam! Van Gogh. This alone made our trip worthwhile, for me at least. After the art museum we went and had the most delicious fondue. There's something about melty cheese that is just so much fun. I had done some research before we left Vienna, unbeknownst to the others. I am really glad I did, because Hunter's face lit up as soon as I said I had a great idea for dinner. I don't think I've ever met someone who loves food as much as Hunter does. 

The next day we spent most of our time walking around Zurich. We went to the University and oh lord, was it gorgeous. I got a contact high from being on the campus- you know, how people always say "I'm high on life," only I was high being in the vicinity of knowledge. This got me to thinking, and I think I am probably going to work towards being an English professor.

I love how well our trip worked out, after only having about four hours of planning put into Zurich. I've found myself to be quite a bit more adaptable since being here, even after only a month. I'm also a little bit more confident in my planning. So many have blatantly sassed me about being organized and planning and such, but here it's necessary (to an extent). All of my time management and planning and organizational skills have really come in handy.

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